Τετάρτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Snowy New Year's Eve in Volos and Pelion!!!!!!!


Let's welcome 2015 in snowy Volos! This year we are going to have a white New Year's Eve... I want to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous year!!!!!!!!!!!I hope you enjoy the pictures from Volos and Mount Pelion in white...

Δευτέρα 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Enjoy your snowy Christmas holidays in Volos!!!!!!

Volos is a wonderful place especially during the Christmas season! Here is the program of all the Christmas activities that can persuade you to visit my town at Christmastime, the most wonderful time of the year...

Τρίτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

The Jewish past of Volos tour

The Jewish community of Volos is one of the oldest communities in Greece. In this tour will discover the long history of the Volos Jewish community and its contribution to the cultural and economic development of the city. They will visit the Jewish memorial statue at the City Hall of Volos which was erected in commemoration of the Volos Jewish victims of the Holocaust. They have tour at the Synagogue of Volos which was built after the Second World War and the 1955 devastating earthquake. Then they will visit the Jewish cemetery where the most prominent Jewish citizens are buried. Our tour will finish at the port of Volos where we will have coffee at a local coffee shop or tsipouro and local appetizers at a local tsipouradiko (small restaurants at the port of Volos that serve tsipouro with traditional seafood appetizers).

Nea Ionia Tour

Nea Ionia is one of the most important districts of Volos. It was founded by the Greek refugees who arrived in Volos after the Asia Minor Destruction and the burning of Smyrna.  The refugees had a huge impact on the culture, economy and architecture of Volos. Visitors will have a tour at the silk museum housed in the silk factory of Ekmetzoglou brothers, who were refugees from Asia Minor. Then they will visit the Church of Evangelistria (the Annunciation) and the football pitch of the local refugees’ team, Nike. They will have lunch at one of the traditional Nea Ionia tsipouradika. The area has some of the best tsipouradika because the refugees brought with them the tradition of tsipouro. 

The Churches of Volos tour

Our stop will be at the city centre where will visit the town’s Cathedral. The Cathedral of St. Nikolaos was rebuilt the local architect, Aristotle Zachos, an important architect of the 20th century.  Our next stop will be another  impressive church designed by Aristotle Zachos, the Church of Saint Constantine. Its location at the port of Volos makes it the perfect place to get married! Close to Saint Constantine’s Church we will see Panagia Tripa Church, a unique seaside church built within the hill of Goritsa. Then we will visit the traditional village of Milies (Apple trees). The mass production of red and small green apples (Fyrikia) gave its name to the village. It is the birthplace of three of the most important figures of the Greek Enlightenment Anthimos Gazis, Danil, Philipidis and Grigorios Konstantas. We will visit the Public Library of Milies established by these scholars and the Church of Taxiarches. The church is dedicated to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and to all Saints. It has impressive wall paintings of the Apocalypse and the zodiacs. The church is a 18th century monument of great historical importance in which the scholar and clergyman Anthimos Gazis became the leader of an unsuccessful movement against the Turks.

 ΑΓΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΒΟΛΟΥSaint Nicholas' Cathedral on December 6th 2014. Source: Holy Diocese of Demetriashttp://www.imd.gr/site/en/mainpage
 Ιερός Ναός Παμμεγίστων Ταξιαρχών ΜηλεώνThe Church of Taxiarches in Milies http://imd.gr/site/catalog/poi/11/50

The industrial past of Volos tour

Volos is one of the oldest industrial cities in Greece. The Railways of Thessaly founded in 1884 contributed to the economic development of Volos due to the transportation of people and goods. The railways were designed by the Italian engineer Evaristo de Chirico who was the father of the famous painter, Giorgio de Chirico. Visitors will visit the Railway Station of Volos, a building of exceptional architectural value and they will walk around the area of Palia, which is the oldest part of Volos, where they will see the remains of the Castle of Volos, old houses, workshops and small taverns. Then they will have a tour at the Tsalapata Rooftile and Brickworks Museum one of the oldest factories of Volos and perhaps one of the best industrial Greek museums. Our tour will finish at the port of Volos where we will visit the Papastratos tobacco warehouses which now house the University of Volos. We have coffee at a local coffee shop or tsipouro and local appetizers at a local tsipouradiko (small restaurants at the port of Volos that serve tsipouro with traditional seafood appetizers).


The wine and tsipouro tour

They say that the local products of each place contain the secrets of its history and culture. The visitors who will choose this tour will have the chance to taste the local wine and tsipouro. They will make a stop at the port of Volos early in the morning where they will watch the fishermen selling their fresh fish to the locals. Then we will travel to Nea Anchialos which is located in the remains of the ancient town, Fthiotides Thebes. We will visit the Archaeological Site of Nea Anchialos where we will admire parts of early Christian churches, chronologically dated around the 5th and 6th centuries AD and other public buildings. The mosaics of this period are preserved in a good condition. There is no better place to taste wine and tsipouro than in Nea Anchialos. That’s why we will visit The Agricultural Productive Coop. of Nea Anchialos "Dimitra": The Agricultural Productive Coop. of Nea Anchialos was named after Demeter, the Greek goddess of nature and it was founded by the Greek refugees who came to Nea Anchialos in 1908. The wine and tsipouro, produced by the grapes of its area is of excellent quality. The tour will be finished in one of the many seaside tsipouradika of Nea Anchialos where we will take a sip of local wine and tsipouro.


Συναιτερισμός Αγχιάλου
