Τρίτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Nea Ionia Tour

Nea Ionia is one of the most important districts of Volos. It was founded by the Greek refugees who arrived in Volos after the Asia Minor Destruction and the burning of Smyrna.  The refugees had a huge impact on the culture, economy and architecture of Volos. Visitors will have a tour at the silk museum housed in the silk factory of Ekmetzoglou brothers, who were refugees from Asia Minor. Then they will visit the Church of Evangelistria (the Annunciation) and the football pitch of the local refugees’ team, Nike. They will have lunch at one of the traditional Nea Ionia tsipouradika. The area has some of the best tsipouradika because the refugees brought with them the tradition of tsipouro. 

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