Τρίτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

The Churches of Volos tour

Our stop will be at the city centre where will visit the town’s Cathedral. The Cathedral of St. Nikolaos was rebuilt the local architect, Aristotle Zachos, an important architect of the 20th century.  Our next stop will be another  impressive church designed by Aristotle Zachos, the Church of Saint Constantine. Its location at the port of Volos makes it the perfect place to get married! Close to Saint Constantine’s Church we will see Panagia Tripa Church, a unique seaside church built within the hill of Goritsa. Then we will visit the traditional village of Milies (Apple trees). The mass production of red and small green apples (Fyrikia) gave its name to the village. It is the birthplace of three of the most important figures of the Greek Enlightenment Anthimos Gazis, Danil, Philipidis and Grigorios Konstantas. We will visit the Public Library of Milies established by these scholars and the Church of Taxiarches. The church is dedicated to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and to all Saints. It has impressive wall paintings of the Apocalypse and the zodiacs. The church is a 18th century monument of great historical importance in which the scholar and clergyman Anthimos Gazis became the leader of an unsuccessful movement against the Turks.

 ΑΓΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΒΟΛΟΥSaint Nicholas' Cathedral on December 6th 2014. Source: Holy Diocese of Demetriashttp://www.imd.gr/site/en/mainpage
 Ιερός Ναός Παμμεγίστων Ταξιαρχών ΜηλεώνThe Church of Taxiarches in Milies http://imd.gr/site/catalog/poi/11/50

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