Κυριακή 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Educational and cultural tours in Volos and in Pelion

A visit to Volos and Pelion is a great idea, especially if you are interested in educational and cultural tours. I can suggest you these educational and cultural tours which are perfect for visitors of all ages and especially for children and teenagers:

The soil of Dimini 

 The tour includes a visit to the neolithic settlement of Dimini or to the Athanasakeion Archeological Museum where the children will learn everything about the ceramics production of Dimini. Then they will visit Tsalapata Bricks and Rooftiles museum where they will see how soil was used for the production of bricks and rooftiles. The last stop of our tour will be at  a potter's workshop where they children will discover that the art of pottery is the same over time...

Discovering the ancient and modern industrial history of Volos

The tour will include a combined visit to the Athanasakeion Archeological musem of Volos and  Tsalapata Bricks and Rooftiles museum where the children will discover the ancient and modern industrial history of Volos
In search of tradition, nature and industry 

The tour will include visits to the Natural history museum of Volos, the silk museum housed in the silk factory of Ekmetzoglou brothers and the Centre of Enviromental Education in Makrinitsa where the children will be introduced to the tradition, nature and industry of Volos and Pelion

The little train of Pelion makes a stop at the Olive and Oil Museum
The children will visit  Olive and Oil Museum in the Pelion village Ano Gatzea where they will learn how to make olive oil and soap. Then they will visit the traditional village of Milies where they get the chance to travel by Smudgy, the little train of Pelion.

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