Πέμπτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Centaur Chiron, the healer who could not heal himself

File:Chiron instructs young Achilles - Ancient Roman fresco.jpg

The Education of Achilles  (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples).

Centaurs were mythical creatures, half men and half horses. They used to live in Mount Pelion. The most important of them was Chiron. He was a great healer who knew how to use herbs for every remedy. Chiron was an advisor for gods and heroes, trained them to hunt and educated them in music, martial arts and pharmacy. He was the teacher of Achilles, Theseus and Jason. Asclepius, the god of medicine, was taught the science of medicine by Chiron. Unfortunately, this great Centaur was a vey sad figure. Hercules had once wounded him with a poisonous arrow. Chiron could not heal himself thus; he suffered for ages until Zeus felt sorry for him and killed him with one of his thunders.

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